We Moved

Zero idea why this forum is still up at this point. Sleepy made pretty much every good point about this.
Not much would be lost at this point. The best users already left and now it's only teenagers and a couple achoholics. Most newfags are really annoying or spam gay porn. Not to mention have no talent or skill to make their posts worth reading.
At least on edf6 there were quality threads and great posts that genuinely made me laugh. Edf7 is just a husk of its former self at this point.
Wiki is also nothing much, especially if it's going to be read only. The last thing keeping it alive was autism and now that's being taken away from it, according to rumors.

This has been the case for at least half a decade minimum.
why are you even hosting the site at this point. it's not a criticism I'm genuinely curious

You're taking on a site thats a legal liability, financial burden, and also has multiple mentally ill orbiters that will inevitably cyberstalk and try to dox you

All the new members here seem to be teenagers from discord so you're essentially taking on all this risk to hold a meet and greet website for autistic children

Zero idea why this forum is still up at this point. Sleepy made pretty much every good point about this.
Not much would be lost at this point. The best users already left and now it's only teenagers and a couple achoholics. Most newfags are really annoying or spam gay porn. Not to mention have no talent or skill to make their posts worth reading.
At least on edf6 there were quality threads and great posts that genuinely made me laugh. Edf7 is just a husk of its former self at this point.
Wiki is also nothing much, especially if it's going to be read only. The last thing keeping it alive was autism and now that's being taken away from it, according to rumors.
no one has ever said that before!
nobody's making you queers log in n complain about how much the site sucks now
people will look up the new url just to complain nobody wants to use the site
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why are you even hosting the site at this point. it's not a criticism I'm genuinely curious
maybe because he isnt a gay faggot pussy cumdrinking catamite such as you? perhaps? faggot?
The new admins are CIA and they're utilizing this site for their training programs, whereas the userbase are like a bunch of goldfishes that get fed with soy pellets until they get flushed down the drain when no longer useful.
You're making it way too obvious that you're at least partly running the site now, to clarify again, not that I care.
People involved in ED now are being held at gunpoint, posting from a toilet of a hotel.
I don't control anything. I'm just a mod. It's just annoying seeing the same post over and over
My mistake. You don't control anything. Your mysterious friend that nobody has spoken to or seen before does and you also kool-aid man your way into every discussion critical of hosting the site.
I don't control anything. I'm just a mod. It's just annoying seeing the same post over and over
I control your mom's vibrating buttplug she wears in public
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