Pro-Extinction book



We must end all life on planet earth. Parents, or should I say "breeders" are the cause of all problems on the earth. Breeders are the enemies. Your parents brought you here to pay bills, suffer & die. They are murderers.
We must end all life on planet earth. Parents, or should I say "breeders" are the cause of all problems on the earth. Breeders are the enemies. Your parents brought you here to pay bills, suffer & die. They are murderers.
shut up nigger
Promortalism is the view that it is best for any mortal living being to die as soon as possible. Antinatalism is the view that we must stop having children.
Wars, disease, corruption, crime, economic hardship, disability, etc. All problems are caused by breeders. All they care about is having sex. They never think about how hard your life is going to be. They just want to have cute babies. Now you gotta go to school for 20 years then become a wagie in the capitalist dystopia. Procreation must be criminalized!
Promortalism is the view that it is best for any mortal living being to die as soon as possible. Antinatalism is the view that we must stop having children.
ok when are you gonna livestream yourself going forward as the good example you are?
Extinction will end all of Earth's problems. It is only when all life is gone, will we achieve world peace. No life no problems. Know life, know problems.
if all they care about is sex then how are they responsible for all those other things
Procreation is the root of all evil. All problem makers are the result of procreation. All victims of problems are the result of procreation.

The new Orleans terrorist that drove that car into a crowd was made by 2 horny breeders. So were each of the victims of the attack.
What I propose, is that we draft & submit a bill to congress, that if passed, will render the act of having children, illegal & carrying a heavy sentence. "The Anti-Birth Act"
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