I mean that everybody has energy in their bodies. Everybody needs to move that energy from their bodies in some way. It can be through sex. It can be through exercise. It can be through having fun and playing games. It can be through meditation. The one thing you can't do is just keep all of your energy stored up inside of your body. If you do that, any one of these "conditions" that doctors made up can arise in your being.
I call my condition "the strain" and it comes from hereditary lines from my motherfucking and father's sides of the family. My motherfucking's side of the family is from northern Wales to middle England. Their family came over in the 1600's. My father's side of the family is from a bullseye on Alsace Lorraine and came over in the 1880's. We have a Polish ancestor that made it into the family tree sometime after the Napoleonic wars and that is partially how I get my last name. Some ancestor(s) needed to get out of their homelands for whatever reason and move to the US. Now, this is where those "strains" come from. The energy has to go somewhere. If I sit and do nothing, the bad parts of my behavior and my "condition" starts to act up. This can be in any form as I have displayed behavior of just about every major mental condition that is on record.