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    • Tinfoil
    Reactions: benosisdead
    you rat bastard came and went b4 I came back....

    • Informative
    Reactions: Cock
    hello, didn't you die or something hi

    an old friend from high school did, though

    suicide, closed casket too...

    ... her mother asked me if i wa... YES. Hello!

    hi, how r u. good to see you. I think? didn't we fight? hello
    we always fight old friend. good to see your unique brand of insanity gracing us once again :)
    • Informative
    Reactions: Cock
    lovely to see u again nigger
    Now, before you leap to some rash assumption, which, based on observable tendencies among those less seasoned in such matters, you are perhaps prone to do, let me remind you that any haste on your part would be both premature and, frankly, embarrassing—not for me, naturally, but for you, as it would only serve to highlight your unfortunate failure to grasp the sheer enormity of the intellectual terrain we are traversing together. But I digress, though even my digression, as you will no doubt have already realized (assuming, of course, you have managed to keep up thus far), serves a purpose, one that is so finely wrought with meaning that to explain it here, in a manner that could be understood by the less astute, would itself take more time than any reasonable person—such as myself—could be expected to spend on such a trivial exercise.
    And so, I proceed with all the delicacy and precision that one might expect from someone of my obvious capacity, knowing full well that, despite my best efforts, there will remain those for whom this entire exposition will be like reading through a fog, hopelessly adrift in the very brilliance that, had they been adequately prepared, they might have had the great fortune of understanding. But alas, some minds, regrettably, are not destined for such heights.
    Ohhhhh, OF COURSE you're still... confused. I mean, why wouldn’t you be?? It's not like THIS is THE simplest thing in the WORLD or ANYTHING???? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.,.,.,[' you know? Honestly, I guess I should just lower my EXPECTATIONS even further?? BECAUSE CLEARLY EVERY single time I try to explain something, you find a NEW way to miss the point???? But hey, that's fine... really... I mean, it’s not like I expect anyone to actually LISTEN anymore... I guess some people just CAN’T process basic information...!! <<<,,,,,,,,,, Like, what else am I supposed to do??? Keep repeating myself???? IS THAT what we're doing now?????
    It’s JUST... so INTERESTING how you can, _---- every time..., find a way to make things more complicated for YOURSELF. I MEAN, WOW. But no no, it’s fine, I’ll just sit here and watch YOU completely gloss over the easiest parts of this WHOLE thing,.,,., [' and maybe next time I’ll draw PICTURES for you.... just to MAKE IT simpler.
    Excuse me sir, I am new here. After watching your instructional video on how to properly conduct oneself here, I have seem to have found myself in a somewhat compromising situation. You seemingly know your way very well around here so I am pressed to ask you a few things to help me successfully integrate myself into this dynamic, if not somewhat disturbed online society.

    You said in your video one needs to bathe oneself in 'gay autism," I'm not sure I have any of that about but I think I can simulate it in an acceptable quality and quantity. How's this? *clears throat** "aaa aaa a aaaaaaa aaa AAAA aa A."

    And of course the second ingredient, cow piss. That I am all out of. Could you spare some.

    Many thanks in advance, and best wishes.

    And as you say, "aaaaaa aaaa aaaaaaaaaaa!AAAAAAAA!!!"
    lolgay reported, fapped and an heroed
    • Like
    Reactions: lurk
    Call Me Tim
    Call Me Tim
    Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger
    Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger
    Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger
    Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger
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