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  • Time 4 Guillotines
    Time 4 Guillotines
    Not sure if Hotep kangz poster or "Hello, fellow blacks" poster
    Yeah thats the one thing about the leo frank case is that the south at that would lynch niggers often and with good reason. However despite the jury being half southern jews they though he was guilty enough . The defense was outrageously racist back in the day towards the black guy they wanted the case pinned on but the jury still convicted leo.
    I am into conspiracy theories, though I've come to believe most of them are bullshit. Like the moon landing thing. The real conspiracy was tricking a notable amount of Americans into believing that it didn't happen in order to weaken our nationalism, likely perpetrated by jealous Russians.
    You are completely entitled to feel its retarded and /pol/ pilled. Im entitled to my opinion not to hand my arm and body over to bill gates and this sick system. The site im using to be anti vaxx isnt /pol/ though its Read its section on medicine and vaccines and decide for yourself.
    Time 4 Guillotines
    Time 4 Guillotines
    Naw, I'm good. COVID-19 was 6 years ago. It's a waste of your time and energy to sperg about something that doesn't matter anymore.
    Time 4 Guillotines
    Time 4 Guillotines
    Let's talk Thelema tho :)
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