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  • by any chance do you have any english language book recommends on this precious elderly woman?
    Tech Noir
    Tech Noir
    I can't think of any in Serbian, let alone English. Also smh, where's the crime, should we jail firearms dealers when someone gets shot?
    • I Agree
    Reactions: minty
    Tech Noir
    Tech Noir
    Also I remembered an old (pre ww2) crime story involving a witch, but can't find the article, so here's a short recap: a young boy goes missing, and a search is organized but comes up with nothing. A woman, the mother of the guy that reported this story, goes to a witch, more out of curiosity than out of expecting some concrete result. The witch explains to her that she consulted a demon, but that the price of the information is a life. The woman agrees, as long as it's not one of her family. She is given a name of the cave, one of many in the surrounding area, and she heads home. Upon her return, her best ox, which was healthy as, well, an ox, collapses without a sound and dies on the spot. She reports the location of the cave to the cops, and the boy's body is found. It was later determined that he was killed by his uncle, who wanted his inheritance.
    fascinating. retirement goals
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