Recent content by Baalf

  1. Please delete the article (yurigtx2023)

    Well, I did what I could. I guess I'll be going.
  2. Please delete the article (yurigtx2023)

    I mean, you're wrong, but you think what you wanna think, lol. :p
  3. Please delete the article (yurigtx2023)

    I've been a foolish friend.
  4. Please delete the article (yurigtx2023)

    I mean, the thing is, we kind of live in a world where people who bully and torture others for their own pleasure are rewarded for doing so, with millions of people adding to this by telling victims to just ignore people like you as if you will magically go away, thus enabling bullies further to...
  5. Please delete the article (yurigtx2023)

    Edward, no. Please calm down. That's only going to make things worse. But, yeah. This is the kind of stress Edward's been going through.
  6. Please delete the article (yurigtx2023)

    Well, now look what you guys did.
  7. Please delete the article (yurigtx2023)

    I'm sorry for how he acted. Like I said, he's been dealing with a lot of stress and suicidal thoughts over that article. I know he acted a little irrational, but I can understand. Sometimes, stuff like that can make someone a little irrational. But I still want to try and help him.
  8. Please delete the article (yurigtx2023)

    I know, I know. I've already said everything I could possibly say on the matter. It's just that, when someone says "I want to kms," don't you think you might have gone too far?
  9. Please delete the article (yurigtx2023)

    There isn't, is there? I guess you guys are too clever for us. ;)
  10. Please delete the article (yurigtx2023)

    Honestly, I don't, either.
  11. Please delete the article (yurigtx2023)

    Only if the adressee openly wishes to disclose it, not against his will.
  12. Please delete the article (yurigtx2023)

    Mske me, honkee. :P ...oh, wait. You're an admin. You actually can do that.
  13. Please delete the article (yurigtx2023)

    Personal info, such as where he lives.
  14. Please delete the article (yurigtx2023)

    He's been going through a lot of stress, lately, because of that article. I don't expect to get it taken down, but I was hoping to have Edward's back because I want to help him.
  15. Please delete the article (yurigtx2023)

    Well, you can't blame me for trying. ;)
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