Depending on where you are specifically, they are either the ears of the angry Greeks who own the diner next door, ecstasy dealing Puerto-Ricans, a Chinese slumlord, or Hasidic Jewish diamond merchants.
Just a reminder as you hate the Mohammedans this Ramadan:
Islamics might be hyper-arian heretics, but Jews think Christ is boiling in shit in hell. Remember to take some time out of your day to give Jews the hate they deserve.
They also shill constantly to cause animosity between Christians...
Barbara Spectre...
Kraken logo, stateless, refugee aid as a front, weakening the west and the east... what did Ian Fleming mean by this? Let's ask his good friend, Roald Dahl--
The Heeb Guardian
Quoted from article citing The Independent 1990:
You won't be banned. That isn't how the zoo works.
Are gorillas and giraffes about to be banned when they get zoo'd or is it just that they can't be allowed to run around the city freely, like a squirrel or a pigeon?
It is a measure for everyone's safety :)
Enjoy your chewing induced tiny boner while you can, young man.
One day you're cracking delicious solid marrow bones and the next, you're chawing water-softened kibble on your way to Byzantium.