Recent content by Barrabas

  1. Barrabas


    Depending on where you are specifically, they are either the ears of the angry Greeks who own the diner next door, ecstasy dealing Puerto-Ricans, a Chinese slumlord, or Hasidic Jewish diamond merchants.
  2. Barrabas

    Ramadan doesn't make no fucking sense

    Hence: Break-Fast in the morning.
  3. Barrabas

    Ramadan doesn't make no fucking sense

    Just a reminder as you hate the Mohammedans this Ramadan: Islamics might be hyper-arian heretics, but Jews think Christ is boiling in shit in hell. Remember to take some time out of your day to give Jews the hate they deserve. They also shill constantly to cause animosity between Christians...
  4. Barrabas

    Eat Your Ass Yesterday

    Barbara Spectre... Kraken logo, stateless, refugee aid as a front, weakening the west and the east... what did Ian Fleming mean by this? Let's ask his good friend, Roald Dahl-- The Heeb Guardian Quoted from article citing The Independent 1990:
  5. Barrabas

    Lulziez onlyfans when?

    Do you even know how HIV is spread?
  6. Barrabas

    Questioning the narrative

    Old graphic is old.
  7. Barrabas

    I feel humiliated, stigmatized and persecuted by those slanderous freaks like Maysam and Call me tim

    You won't be banned. That isn't how the zoo works. Are gorillas and giraffes about to be banned when they get zoo'd or is it just that they can't be allowed to run around the city freely, like a squirrel or a pigeon? It is a measure for everyone's safety :)
  8. Barrabas

    I wish i wasn't colombia

    Your head is certainly massive and square-shaped enough to make me think you have Germ/Scandi genes.
  9. Barrabas

    The pets of the REAL EDF.

    Better reference for doggo life-record than the article linked above.
  10. Barrabas

    The pets of the REAL EDF.

    Always aspire to the record with your doggos.
  11. Barrabas

    The pets of the REAL EDF.

    Enjoy your chewing induced tiny boner while you can, young man. One day you're cracking delicious solid marrow bones and the next, you're chawing water-softened kibble on your way to Byzantium.
  12. Barrabas

    Modern anti-Semitism is soy

    Ok, heeb. Noone is reading that. KYS
  13. Barrabas

    MEDITATIONS ON MANHOOD: 100 Devotions from Charles Spurgeon

    Moar like Charles SPERGeon, am I rite?
  14. Barrabas

    /ck/ Cooking Thread

    Did you skip the molasses or use a lighter kind since it did not specify blackstrap or w/e? They seem much lighter than the source.
  15. Barrabas

    /ck/ Cooking Thread

    What did you use to get the chocolate in the batter?
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