Recent content by disassemblyline

  1. disassemblyline

    What are you currently listening to?

    one more, im making an example of how to double post links on the forum plus this site needs some LEGIT content. start here @ 02:13
  2. disassemblyline

    Post Youtube videos from before 2013.

    i got you, ED. check those dubs. could absolutely dominate this thread...
  3. disassemblyline

    What are you currently listening to?

    play both of these as loud as possible (...maybe not at the same time). first is from 1979. it does not fuck around at all. guillotine status: down 1981. guillotine status: right fucking back down
  4. disassemblyline

    You people need to fuck off

    paradigm shift lmfao
  5. disassemblyline

    I'm back everyone!

    imagine being me. ive been here longer than all of you. no really. you aint got it that bad
  6. disassemblyline

    What are you currently listening to?

    bonus, ignore a tiny bit of context and the lyrical content lines up with the true purpose of this website
  7. disassemblyline


    comment of the century, welcome aboard
  8. disassemblyline

    What are you currently listening to?

    ch1: ultralow swr ch20: what the fuck its 50:1 ch40: just above ch1, buttery smooth
  9. disassemblyline

    What are you currently listening to?

    one more. play this as loud as possible at intersections
  10. disassemblyline

    What are you currently listening to?

    and then god said
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