Recent content by Everyman

  1. Everyman

    What is your ethnic backround?

    @hypeshot, german and italian. :nicethread:
  2. Everyman

    Elon musk is mentally retarded

    stick to defendin da doge and exposin da voter fraud. :busey:
  3. Everyman

    A European Reacts to JD Vance’s Speech in Munich

    vance is based. :pipe:
  4. Everyman

    Thread for news that don't deserve their own thread

    uae set to invest billions in italy as countries seek closer ties
  5. Everyman

    post ur dream gun

    not unless u make it one. :busey:
  6. Everyman

    post ur dream gun

    why do u want WW2 memorabilia? :pepethunk:
  7. Everyman

    Elon musk is mentally retarded

    da table schema for what? :busey:
  8. Everyman

    How did you come up with your username?

    imma christian man seekin salvation. :pipe:
  9. Everyman

    post ur dream gun

    stop tryin to be edgy. be real or gtfo. :busey:
  10. Everyman

    post ur dream gun

    benelli lupo 6.5 creedmoor
  11. Everyman

    what was your most recent purchase?

    anyone who smoked a half ounce a week for 20 yrs would. :busey:
  12. Everyman

    Bring back bombing buildings

    stick to recyclin memes sped. :pipe:
  13. Everyman

    Chess: World #1 Magnus Carlsen finds his Queen

    dats racist tbh. :pipe:
  14. Everyman

    Chess: World #1 Magnus Carlsen finds his Queen

    whos ur fav chess player besides magnus. :pepethunk:
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