MurderGuaranteed's latest activity

  • If America was so easy for the kikes to infiltrate and subvert, we imagine Mexico quickly rolled over like a 5 dollar whore and spread...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread POST GAY PORN OF GTFO!.
    Abe Lipschitz of TelAviv was in his gold monger shop when the bombing started. Knowing he had to get out of there and into a fortified...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Thug memes.
    Novel Corona virus found. Hmmm. Novel Corona virus kills people. Bad!!!!. Lock down the world. Has to be done!!! Wear masks and stay six...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Boy band thread.
    Just like Putin, Lukashenko, fully realizes the deeply entrenched multinational power of the jew. And being a student of history, he's...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread NorthStarBoys Thread.
    Got to give the Yemeni people credit for having the balls to stand up to the gigantic jew beast. Wouldn't be surprised to learn Russia...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Most recent purchase.
    This is why we believe this Crimea incident has been preempt the scheduled debate. The jew cannot allow the American...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread YTP THREAD.
    With only a very few exceptions, all publishers and journalists are being censored. Uniformed goyim are much easier to herd when they...
  • When the pendulum swings back toward sanity, we oft fantasize about becoming a concentration camp commandant. Not like those portrayed...
  • Just as the Biblical book of Exodus is actually the jew's spin on why Pharoah kicked them out of Egypt. Anthropologists can only...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Japanese Youtubers.
    It shouldn't that difficult to admit Jones is a sellout. The Sandyhook lawsuit hammer was to serve as a warning not only to Jones but...
  • More than ample evidence here Jones is a jew tool. This tells us Jones was probably correct in his assertions Sandy Hook was a staged...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread MarioMario456.
    Brother Nathanael may very well be a self-loathing jew much in the same vein as Bobby Fischer. Everything he said seems spot on and he...
  • I recall first seeing Gonzalo Lira on YouTube 5 or 6 years ago. His subject matter at that time had largely to do with calling out...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Dreamybull memes.
    Probably comes as no surprise, jew Kissinger was a raging faggot. For over 50 years the jew media...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Dreamybull memes.
    Probably comes as no surprise, jew Kissinger was a raging faggot. For over 50 years the jew media...
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