MurderGuaranteed's latest activity

  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Jpop thread.
    Agreed, 5000 American soldiers died in Iraq for god's self-chosen ones. The 500 Marines deployed in Syria are treading the very same...
  • From the Jewish perspective, we goyim are merely soul less animals to be herded into the the Kosher slaughter chutes. Nothing personal...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Dreamybull has kids lol.
    It's come to my attention that this guy actually penned an apology to Eichenwald (AIDS Costanza) and donated money to an epilepsy...
  • Basically, this KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! offered a child porn "star" thousands of dollars for sexual favors, but it was all in the name of journalism, so it...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread RIP REDBOX.
    If convicted, it's not going to be a stretch from this to someone posting something they find offensive, crying about it (literally)...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Mass shooting thread.
    Killing Syrian children is nipping anti-Semitism in the bud, therefore, good in the eyes of god's self-chosen. War crimes committed in...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread How far can you nut?.
    Medicating goyim is a huge growth industry. Legalized Marijuana, Oxycontin, and psychotropic medications are all multi-billion dollar...
  • Herding Goyim 101 into yet another endless war against the enemies of Jewry.
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Foty 24 predictions.
    The best face I can put on this is that the anti-Trump rhetoric and environment got so hot that the neocons were able to weasel their...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Squid game thread.
    I'll never forget that video of her tripping over her fat cankles trying to make it to that van. Like elephant legs, the same...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Tokusatsu thread.
    Hitler never used gas on the jews. He merely placed them in comfortable barracks to await the end of the war. It wasn't Hitler's fault...
  • Of course you're right about her being with the kikes. It appears her function is to toss a few breadcrumbs to those just right of...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Most recent purchase.
    I'm convinced it'll take a catastrophic event to wake up the lemming. Like a nuclear war. There's alot of chatter right now about North...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread I rule the world.
    There's been a lot of bitching on this forum and many other proWhite forums regarding the Islamic invasion of Europe and the carnage...
  • The kikes are usually the owners of the plastic surgery clinics that are hacking off the breasts of White women who the Jew has...
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