MurderGuaranteed's latest activity

  • so i guess only 5,999,998 jews died in the holy-cost. i'll have to make note of that and inform the administrators at auschwitz. i hope...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread I rule the world.
    It should be obvious by now the jew is flooding white nations with muds in order to provoke White backlash. Once Whites start to defend...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Most recent purchase.
    The Jews' line is that they were scapegoated by Hitler and then 6 gorillion of them were gassed. It's called projection. But now it's...
  • Oh, give it a rest already, GiGi. No one here doubts for an instant your expertise on the subject of pedophilia and child rape; that...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Tokusatsu thread.
    "Ivanka Trump harassed on airplane by a "tolerant" liberal" You meant (((Ivanka Trump))), right? Or does she get a pass on race-treason...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Squid game thread.
    Nuttyahoo needs to break out his Wile E. Coyote ACME-brand bomb poster at the UN again and kvetch about how he needs 6 gazillion more...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Foty 24 predictions.
    Assuming he goes into the general population. He is a self-chosen with money, so if he actually does go to prison, it will be the...
  • Like many Jew/Aryan hybrids, she looked jewier and jewier as she aged. In the original Star Wars series, she looked essentially White...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread How far can you nut?.
    I have this feeling that these (((young idealists))) drink manischewits. I hope Vatican Shitty has some vacancies. The underage...
  • The kikes are promoting legal weed to further anesthatize people. All psychoactives used to excess are deadly to body, mind, and soul...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Mass shooting thread.
    Heard somewhere on the internet: When things like this happen, we always hear, it's just a very few bad apples causing the trouble and...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread RIP REDBOX.
    So some shabbaz goyim who serve the jews had an "award" show last night, and as some reports, they did their koher duty to attack white...
  • Still a lot of back channel internet talk about Michelle being a tranny. Easy to imagine Barry cornhoing that freak. Mostly because I...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Dreamybull has kids lol.
    Jews are an incredibly neurotic race. Pretty much. It must be a survival mechanism from Biblical days when they poisoned wells.
  • The reason I come down so hard on the green nigger scum is because they still seem to be fucking clueless about what they are ordered by...
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