MurderGuaranteed's latest activity

  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Anti americanism thread.
    All of Israel is a potential tinder box. Every wildfire randomly springing up moves the shitty little country closer and closer to a...
  • Word was that israeli's set fires in Greece to lower the value of real estate, then bought up land for cheep. Karma is a hero. Ironic...
  • Austrian government plans to seize house where Adolf Hitler was born to stop neo-Nazi pilgrimages I'm only amazed that the world's jews...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread School.
    Damn, I'm glad I live where I do. Right now I'm the only human for 10 miles in all directions. I see niggers only on tv.
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread My life.
    They use the jew controlled legal system to steal from Whites. They use jew's inborn fear of Whites to scam old rich kikes out of money...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Should rape be legal.
    Isn't SPLC just a bunch of Jewish lawyers who scam gentiles into donating for a cause whose only purpose is the destruction of gentile...
  • The day will come when that den of criminal degenerates will be smoked out of the Poverty Palace and put on trial for genocide and...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Generation beta.
    Corporate KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! media tries to ignite a race war by whipping the baboons and white dummies into hysterics over isolated incidents dwarfed...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread NEW YEAR THREAD 2025.
    We have time to reverse the trend. I spent my youth drinking the KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!'s poison living as a single man bedding sluts. So pointless living...
  • Pointing out that the IDF likes to take "two-fer" shots is an anti-semitic hate crime. Jews should feel no pressure, whatsoever when...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread 9/11 memes.
    With those 55 electoral votes gone the democraps would never win another election for decades. That fact alone might make some of the...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Power rangers comics.
    It looks like Pizzagate is getting out of their control. I remember a guy from Florida who lived not far from Disney World talking...
  • The NEW ORDER is on Gab at The big weakness with Gab is that it cannot be viewed by the general public, but only by...
  • Banned from Twitter? This site promises you can say whatever you want A two-pronged strategy is advisable. Gab seems like it would be a...
  • MurderGuaranteed replied to the thread Cooking thread.
    Naked Akron Woman Leads Police on Stolen Car Chase Spanning Three Counties May have been PCP. There are many videos of niggers rampaging...
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