Recent content by MurderGuaranteed

  1. Thanksgiving break

    Oy VEY! hymie, the same kvetch for centuries.. give it a rest already, your game is over. goyim do not like you because everything you do is based on causing harm to others for your own profit. you are a nasty creature hymie, people do not like you because of who and what you are. Three is...
  2. Stop changing the domains faggot

    Kars 4 Kids = Kash 4 Kikes
  3. Wierd news thread

    There's been much discussion about Hillary's cankles. Abnormally large circumference at the ankle. People have compared her lower leg to that of an elephant's leg with no appreciable tapering of the lower leg toward the foot. Essentially the same dimension at the thigh as at the ankle. Thus the...
  4. Should i streak in public

    Mormons qualify as "righteous gentiles" that is, goyim willing to throw their own race under the bus in order to help god's self-chosen. It's pretty obvious that Hillary is slowly being poisoned. They've been lying about the polls. This isn't even close, she's losing badly. They do not want...
  5. Power rangers battle for the grid thread

    I'm not a Trump supporter, but Mein Kampf offers an excellent indictment of the KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! media machine and how it hides behind "freedom of the press" so it can publish lies and slander.
  6. Murder guarrenteed is a candy ass faggot that enjoys gay sex.

    Duke just said jews control the media and Bleachbitch (Breitbart) should go to the electric chair for destabilizing Syria
  7. Norah Jones sucks big black cocks

    Jews never admit wrongdoing. The destruction of the white middle class was high on the Jewish agenda. They torpedoed it, yet have the chutzpah, to say we should have provided more life preservers, as the boat sinks into the deep and darkening waters.
  8. Dreamybull memes

    Since the MSM is largely Jewish, the pedophile allegations are already swept under the rug, but with the Anthony Weiner Dick pics being addressed by the FBI, the allegations will have real and lasting traction. I hope Assange has a real bombshell, held in reserve, which can top the Dick pics...
  9. I am the global king of this world

    Especially menstrual blood. One (((Jewess artist))) used her own menstrual blood to paint Trump's portrait.
  10. MarioMario456

    I don't like to make assumptions without knowing enough, but obese, unattractive women like these usually are the first ones to defend these subhuman trash at the top of their lungs when a few patriotic Swedes go out patrolling the streets to protect Swedish women from getting gang-raped by...
  11. Liam payne from one direction dead at 31

    I agree with this. We can only imagine the anti-white swill this reporter spewed-out over her career. Simply by virtue of the fact she sucked cock for the jew media tells us everything about her father..... undoubtedly he's a spineless cuckold who filled his daughter's head with jew lies. The...
  12. Japanese Youtubers

    But literally, I read somewhere people dropped their kids off at kindergarten and where all crying, except the children. I think that when this (under 13) generation grows up through the Trump presidency and see that the adults in their lives were just big babies, they're going to react to their...
  13. What faggots did you put on ignore

    Soros, one of god's self-chosen ones, places himself above the laws of soul-less goyim. This has been going on for thousands of years and will continue on until it is met with an opposing force.
  14. Remember when phones and tablets had a button below the screen? (Tech thread)

    Couldn't say as I'd blame her that lying, conniving sack o' shit. If I was that hippo-hipped bitch that option would be waaay up my list of priorities. That said, how'd you like to be Hillary's poor, poor black maid this a.m.?...the negress responsible for sweeping up the shattered dishes...

    Starbucks SUCKS! I went a couple days ago to a Starbucks shop located in Downtown Disney and got a caramel latte, my sister and her friend got a hazelnut latte and we all got these oatmeal and raisins cookies and it cost us around $30. Well, the day before we had ordered the same exact thing at...
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