Trophies awarded to zuuka

  1. ITD-CIT

    100 Posts

    This user has made 100 posts. If they did it within 24 hours, they probably are vilified in this community.
  2. ITD-CIT


    Receiving 100 likes on your posts is a gateway to giving good fellatio. Keep practicing!
  3. ITD-CIT

    Keeps coming back

    This user has posted 30 messages. They must like it here!
  4. ITD-CIT


    This user is probably proud of themselves.
  5. ITD-CIT

    Uh oh, Someone noticed you.

    Receiving a like on your post is always a homosexual advance
  6. ITD-CIT

    A Face Only A Mother Could Love

    This user finally got an is probably goatse
  7. ITD-CIT

    First shitpost

    The first step down a long dark dangerous path.
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