- Societal Collapse Thread -

I'm a doomer fucker so I've given this a lot of thought.

First phase.
Psychological studies outline that the time frame is 2-4 days until people realize that there are no emergency services, ie cops. They've also noted that riots start in the morning with a disgruntled feeling, like no food, collapse of services, no fuel, etc., and by mid afternoon it's a full blown riot. I estimate that many will perish within the first 30-45 days. (40%) As the unprepared and the natural criminal element get more desperate and bolder, they'll search for supplies. This doesn't mean they will win every encounter, but they do have the element of surprise, they know their intention, and probably have no qualms about doing you great harm. At the end of which, the best or luckiest will have survived.

If you live in the city, you want to get out now. Live at least on the outskirts/suburbs. Because you can't grow anything in an apartment, and once the grid goes down it gets hot in an apartment building. I lived on the 8th floor in DC and had to keep my AC on nearly year round. The only time I turned it off is during winter and I cracked the windows. Not to mention all the elevators will be down and 8 flights of stairs is a bitch of a climb. Supermarkets in cities have about two days worth of food. So if you survive the initial rush to the supermarket and actually collect food stuffs, chances are they won't be much as far as long term. And then there's the probability of some fucktard setting the building on fire for shits and giggles causing people to flee for their own safety.

The modern city is a death trap when the collapse happens. Nothing will be available, and with strict gun control laws -- so guess what if you ain't packing now, you're a loot drop/surprise sex recipient. Mobility will be restricted due to the grid pattern of city streets and all the abandoned cars left on them. If you ever seen a hurricane evacuation, that's what it is going to be like. If you have half a tank in the Camry, chances are you're not making it to the highway. People will be cutting in line, cutting people off and it takes just one person who's had enough to light the tard up. Dead people in cars are a road block. Disease will have set in due to sewage systems not being maintained and all of the dead left to rot in the streets. Wild animals and strays eating the dead will spread disease through the weakened populace.

Second phase.
After the first equilibrium is reached, after 30-45 days, there will be a lull in the violence and unrest. The highways will be clogged with vehicles that have run out of fuel, gas stations will have all been looted for fuel so good luck there. I would also stay away from any and all stores. Too many places to hide and there could be ambushes set up. They will see you as having some supplies, because you made it to the store: perhaps a running vehicle, ammunition, weapon, heck even shoes. The mindset will most likely be, "well I could use it/trade it later, better take it now." With that mindset, if you do encounter someone in a store at this point, there might be a gunfight over something as meaningless as dish towels.

EMServices will likely be sparse or non-existent. With any sort of injury, the risk of infection is enormous. Gun shots push material into the wound and infection will set. the projectile is sterile due to heat, but your Spiderman underroos are not. Broken bones are going to be a serious issue so getting into fights, even ones with no weapons can and will cause problems. If you get knocked out, you're dead. If you need regular medications, like insulin, you're really screwed. Your best bet is to get to a military outpost. In fact many will begin to search them out. But even the seemingly bottomless resources of the US military has a limit. They may be engaged in quelling the unrest and may not have the manpower to address everyone. Lastly, just because you're in a military compound, it doesn't mean you're safe. Women in the military get raped in the barracks, guys get jumped, etc., - the stuff you see on the outside also happens in the military. So another loss of 15% during this phase. Estimated losses to the population now total 55%. However, that's not just bad guys; it's doctors, nurses, decent people, people trying to maintain law and order, firemen, etc., as well.

Third phase.
A tense period of minor looting and violence would continue for the next 4-8 months, - until all the food runs out, there's a lot of fruit trees here so that would extend the food supply. Even during this time of reduced violence there will be scavenger teams looking for supplies. It is during this time small groups may form and fortify their neighborhoods and work out as a collective. If you have extra guns and hand them out, expect not to get them back. If you think you're going to make bank trading firearms, even the cheapest AR, costing 400 USD -- what's the barter payment look like? What's 400 bucks of rice look like? You're going to take a loss, get over it. plus, I would be wary of arming someone I didn't know. They could double back on you. Further losses are estimated at 5-10%. So after about 9 months 60-65% of the population would be dead. It may be higher depending on the density of the city.

Fourth phase.
During this time services may begin to return. But services will be overwhelmed. The gubbermint will put out all kinds of propaganda: safety is returning etc., (and will be eager to impose new soul crushing laws, it will be martial law, so you will be essentially a serf) but in reality they just don't have the people to deliver on what they promise. So while the populace will feel much better, the situation in reality, might be only marginally better, or even unchanged. This phase could last for years.

Fifth phase.
Complete return to normalcy. May never happen.

Moral of the story:

Those of you who sneer at blue collor work, well, the demand for programing/human resources/lawyers is going to be at an all time low. If all you bring is java script expertise, expect to be put on shit detail. If you suck at manual labor, people are not going to tolerate you for very long. Food and resources will be scarce. I'm not saying you'll be put out immediately, but the loss of your once high social status is going to be a crushing shock.

Can't tell you how many programmers, office workers, doctors and lawyers who openly sneer at me but would starve to death because they don't know how to build a fire, boil an egg, or make water safe for consumption.
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