hidden talents

during my school years i learned i'm quite good at manipulating people and weaponizing knowledge and gossip but i quickly decided to never use those skills because it seemed immoral
now they're uncultivated and probably gone and if i tried it i'll look like wannabe littlefinger larper
Formatting, structuring, and annotating. Essentially, I'm good at writing things with a flow that makes them easily readable, but those paragraphs normally make as much sense as if they were written by a graphomaniac.

i like to think im quite good at writing when i try:P
That's always a nice skill to have. Did you mean writing as in creative writing or technical writing, or maybe both?
That's always a nice skill to have. Did you mean writing as in creative writing or technical writing, or maybe both?
both! i did a lot more creative writing when i was younger,. as i got older i started writing a lot about politics, now i just write whatever, mostly just notes & letters. im very good @ formal writing when i want to be aswell xd (how i type online is no example of this lelellel)).
...hey dude NO!!!! ED RULES!!!!!!! DON'T DESTORY EDF AND ED!!

bruh, bruh, don't bomb ED and EDF, its been removed hell and back since 2011, moving to different domans to appease advertisers, removing a few pages, its kinda outta control for ED at this point
Right around the time I started digitally jousting with them. There is no coincidence. If I wasn’t so lazy they wouldn’t be able to escape with new domains.
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