that isn't a cut that's a gash, you should do what you did to your finger to your eyeballs and maybe you'll cure your schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is gone. Chakras completely released now. Addiction issues. Not so much.

ok- now you GOT to tell us what exactly happened to your finger.

No, that was a bad encounter with the hedge trimmer some months ago. It is healed now but still a permanent scar.

I have several more. It took 3 weeks to heal. No stitches.

Literally trimming a hedge and got distracted for one second. Any further and it would have required hospital or me just going without the tip of my left index finger.
I didn't know this but putting your bleeding ass finger into hydrogen peroxide will create a blood lava volcano like the kitchen science class.

The more you know.
I can probably go through the whole scar collection. Some rather bad ones because someone doesn't like going to hospitals and did stupid shit when I was younger. Most have to do with the hands and wrists. But I do have a permanent scar smack center on my forehead because I busted my head open on a corner stanchion when I was a year and a half old.

Others would include, hey you shouldn't try to open a restaurant sized bottle of balsamic vinegar with a chef's knife ... oops found the bone right below the left thumb ... and continued to work and make pizzas that day.

Hey you shouldn't get really mad and take it out on the subway tiles in the bathroom at a restaurant and whoa ... now you have an extra knuckle on the right picky finger.

Hey don't get mad and punch a plate glass window with your right palm.

Among others.
All jews need to be killed.

fat small cocked Tim wants to kill all jews because of our hairy chad bodies and big swinging dicks, unfortunately (For you) this will never happen. Israel is here to stay BABYYY

Hydrogen peroxide kills healthy cells as well. Why are jews so stupid.

it's perfectly fine to lose an insignificant number of -- what, lower dermis cells? that are replaced in the span of hours. in order to prevent infection. you are a retard.
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