Who the fuck made this banner?

Yume Nikke is troonslop rpgmaker trash and I demand his head on a pike.
you know... instead of being a lazy troonfag yourself and just demanding answers, you could always try looking through the banner thread(s) like a leet pro investigator or some shit.

tldr; nypa faggot.
if you can do better, DO IT FAGGOT

Very Jewish responses, I'm sure big challa paid you two off good today.
Oh sush, @Steve
View attachment 31182

Also Yeah I kinda agree with you, Yume Nikki is kinda confusing to me, I partially got it just to look through the sound files and listen to them, Super Columbine Massacare RPG! was the best, but I find the Resident Evil Doraemon to be intresting as well geg
Joshua Goldberg is a Jewish fed, you think I'm a fan of that guy?
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