Never let anyone tell you that the fithy Chinks are smart.

I hate the fucking chinks. I want them out of my country.
>your country
The Chinese and Mexicans have lived in the US longer than you ever have. Everything you have stems from one of them.
china is not stopping animal torture. On the contrary, they allow it to proliferate as the country has zero animal cruelty laws. Chinese social media is filled with animal torture videos.

You really only care about things is a democrat is doing them
You are retarded. Animal cruelty is world wide. I can only "control" or my opinion matters what America pays for or encourages.
Laws against animal cruelty are on the books in many nations and they are not enforced.

They are chopping up dogs and cats because they are bored and drunk in eastern Europe.
They are eating stray dogs and cats in NYC and Paris.
Strays have been routinely slaughtered without a thought in Africa, muslim nations, and the Caribbean.
Fucking hell friends of mine found a kitten stuffed in a plastic bag and thrown into a dumpster in NC. It was 110 that day and the cat (beautiful) has serious neurological damage.

But China.

Grow up.
>your country
The Chinese and Mexicans have lived in the US longer than you ever have. Everything you have stems from one of them.
Not a chance. The filthy Chinks still poop in their streets, wantonly destroy their environment, and torture animals in huge numbers simply because they take joy from it.

The dirty Mexican’ts are low IQ turd world trash. Mexihell is like a giant garbage pit where subhuman creatures wallow in squalor and dream about moving to the greatest country in human history - USA.
You are retarded. Animal cruelty is world wide. I can only "control" or my opinion matters what America pays for or encourages.
Laws against animal cruelty are on the books in many nations and they are not enforced.

They are chopping up dogs and cats because they are bored and drunk in eastern Europe.
They are eating stray dogs and cats in NYC and Paris.
Strays have been routinely slaughtered without a thought in Africa, muslim nations, and the Caribbean.
Fucking hell friends of mine found a kitten stuffed in a plastic bag and thrown into a dumpster in NC. It was 110 that day and the cat (beautiful) has serious neurological damage.

But China.

Grow up.
kill yourself schizo jew
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