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  • wait a sec, i know who
    you are. youre the dude with this as his pfp

    Dude, I don't remmeber anything from you, other than you were prob the chillest mfer back when
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    Reactions: A Fucking Box
    I graduated college and now I'm going to hunt for a job. This will probably be harder because of covid, but my dad has connections in the field I studied so that will thankfully help.
    Dr. Bill
    Dr. Bill
    God speed. I'm struggling with cleaning exams myself. Corona has forced me to look for a job while in college. Don't feel bad if you have to resort to nepotism. Find a good job, DONT fuck it up and just climb the ladder and keep modest.
    Thanks and good luck to you in your life as well. I still feel a little bad about it, but in today's world you gotta use every advantage you got available.
    The new Deviantfart interface is beyond godawful. Browsing for shit has become even worse now.
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    Reactions: Witty
    Yeah its pretty bad and the worst part is that the only reason they changed it was because the old one (admittedly) looked dated, not because there were any real problems with it. Now we got a new interface that looks like shit and handles like shit, but everyone will eventually get used to it just like it happened countless times with Youtube.
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