old man doesn't understand that for zoomers CDs are auld and abstract technology like vinyl was for millennials
which makes me feel old, when i was a teen me and my friend used to hunt for cassettes in a little book store by the tracks in the nearby city, he was looking for offspring and gnr i was looking for dire straights and bob marley
better times
Oh I certainly understand, but even though I owned a portable LP record player in the 90s (heirloom), I didn't inconvenience myself by carrying it around. Instead I invested in the future and got myself a pocket minidisc player as well as a 19" Hifi MD player. Best investment of summer job money ever that I in no way regretted.
@Maysam you can say that only because you don't have oodles of the fucking things. I regularly have to visit a site 47km away as the crow flies, takes two damn hours going around, through and under fucking mountains.
the big sign saying Christ on the building is very ironic since the lord himself and nobody guided by his hand had any part in construction of this monstrosity