You mean the thread where you were exclusively talking to yourself by means of news screenshots and twitter links like some kind of senile hag? Yeah I merged that one.
Fuck You for ruining my thread simply because you don’t like the content in it. You are an absolute shit moderator who cannot control his emotions. You are an utter retard who is wrecking the board with his emotional tantrums.
Grow a spine you mutant societal reject. If the contents of a particular thread triggers you, DON’T KEEP READING THE THREAD. Having a tantrum over “words and photos” that make you feel emotionally icky is high grade soy faggotry.
You’re a jerk. Just because you have a shit-boring life in Deutschland and are clearly a societal outcast with very few, if any, friends, doesn’t mean that it’s okay to abuse mod privileges and wreck the board.
Find a hobby. Say hello to someone irl. Get off the internet for awhile. Learn to be a human being.
It was a news thread that detailed the assassination attempt on Trump, you incredibly dense sperg.
WTF is wrong with you? I understand that it triggered you (as can happen to emotionally stunted people), but why the hell didn’t you just stop reading it? Ya know, display a bit of self-control instead of spazzing out like an unhinged mongoloid.
By this point is it not gay enough to be merged into Moobs great thread of homosex?