Excuse me sir, I am new here. After watching your instructional video on how to properly conduct oneself here, I have seem to have found myself in a somewhat compromising situation. You seemingly know your way very well around here so I am pressed to ask you a few things to help me successfully integrate myself into this dynamic, if not somewhat disturbed online society.
You said in your video one needs to bathe oneself in 'gay autism," I'm not sure I have any of that about but I think I can simulate it in an acceptable quality and quantity. How's this? *clears throat** "aaa aaa a aaaaaaa aaa AAAA aa A."
And of course the second ingredient, cow piss. That I am all out of. Could you spare some.
Many thanks in advance, and best wishes.
And as you say, "aaaaaa aaaa aaaaaaaaaaa!AAAAAAAA!!!"