Encyclopedia Dramatica Forums

Ok, what's going on with you and Minty, Matt?
It's just something I've noticed where "she" has a propensity to seek out what "she" either presumes or somehow knows to be underage and then she does this grooming routine that's... well, on this site, it's absolutely disturbing! Normally, in these communities, we play like Q, as in someone acts as the "scarecrow" and when you get some underage idiot rolling around... you scare them off! "She" doesn't do that! Instead "she" tries to court the underage users and openly invites them into adult conversations like they're not just stupid snot nosed idiots who shouldn't even be on this site!


Made even MORE CREEPY by the fact that, I've noticed, whenever I'm blocked from anything on this site... Minty always seems to be involved somehow. Like "she's" trying to cut people out of the conversation who might mess up her grooming game. She's like the Ghislaine Maxwell of Encyclopedia Dramatica. That's the vibe she gives off.
Do you still shit in daipers, onideus?
  • Good Question
Reactions: rodion
Not since I was an actual baby, why are you asking?
You know damn well why
No, I really don't.

I have actually never understood any of you idiots in that regard. I am actually LESS liked in the adult baby community than I am in THIS community! Their community sided with literal child fuckers because they considered me to be the WORSE option, simply because I'm honest and asexual. That's what bugs you idiots I think, it's like, to you it's playing pretend but you're doing to satiate yourself sexually, but for me, it's not a fetish, I'm just an actual boss baby.

Do you know what would happen if you asked an actual toddler if they wanted to wear a diaper? They would tell you, "No." I have no direct interest in anything babyish, my sense of sexuality is "irrational imagination" because my concept of sexuality is "unconditional caring", a concept that doesn't exist in plausible reality unless you are physically a baby. I'm only a baby in my sense of sexuality and as it's completely incompatible with reality I simply prioritize other creative interests.


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