Surely it is you who love the people;
all the holy ones are in your hand.
At your feet they all bow down,
and from you receive instruction,
4 the law that Moses gave us,
the possession of the assembly of Jacob.
5 He was king over Jeshurun[c]
when the leaders of the people assembled,
along with the tribes of Israel.
12 About Benjamin he said:
“Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him,
for he shields him all day long,
and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders.”
This does not say anything about benjamin being the member of a tribe of israelites. By the bibles own dates, he would have lived 300 years after benjamin
Israel means entire tribes of Ideal in many instances. Just like Benjamin it encompasses the followers as well. Similar to when the term "children" are used. Often it means followers or believers of a certain dogma/philosophy.
Dont know how you got to that conclusion.
Generally groups of people who name themselves after an individual, generally see that person they named themselves after as their leader or founder.
Your sexual backpressure is breaking your brain bro.
If i trace my ancestry back to a king 400 years ago, start a royal house and name it after does not make them the leader or member of my royal house
No. But that's not what happened.
Benjamin in the Old Testament was the twelfth and youngest son of Jacob and the founder of one of the southern tribes of the Hebrews.
The meaning, origin and history of the given name Benjamin
Benjamin [Bĕn'jamĭn]—son of the right hand.
1. The youngest son of Jacob and the only one born in Canaan; founder of a tribal family. His motherfucking, Rachel, who died in giving birth to Benjamin, named him with her last breath Benoni “son of sorrow.” Jacob changed the name to Benjamin (Gen. 35:18, 24).
The youngest of the children of Jacob. His birth took place on the road between Bethel and Bethlehem, near the latter, B.C. 1729. His motherfucking, Rachel, died in the act of giving him birth, naming him with her last breath Ben-oni (son of my sorrow). This was by Jacob changed into Benjamin. (Genesis 35:16,18) Until the journeys of Jacob's sons and Jacob himself into Egypt we hear nothing of Benjamin. Nothing personal is known of him. Henceforward the history of Benjamin is the history of the tribe.
A man of the tribe of Benjamin, son of bilhan, and the head of a family of warriors. (1 Chronicles 7:10)
One of the "sons of Harim," an Isr'lite in the time of Ezra who had married a foreign wife. (Ezra 10:32)