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  1. moogs

    WTF fetishes 2.0

    Cum sandwiches, dragons fucking school buses or airplanes, inflated balloon baby pandas. But the answer will always remain shit dick nipples, combination of words that instill fear into netizens' hearts.
  2. moogs

    Official containment thread for moonrunes homosexual posts

    This is inappropriate because an executed drug trafficker is only remembered for this song.
  3. moogs

    random image and video thread

  4. moogs

    We Moved

    The new admins are CIA and they're utilizing this site for their training programs, whereas the userbase are like a bunch of goldfishes that get fed with soy pellets until they get flushed down the drain when no longer useful. People involved in ED now are being held at gunpoint, posting from a...
  5. moogs

    What are you currently listening to?

    Vicious Rumors is better than a bunch of similar bands, vocals are great if you like Overkill.
  6. moogs

    whats your go-to snack right now?

    energy drinks and wieners
  7. moogs

    Pajeet appreciation thread

    Maybe they're Canadians who don't want to see them online too, one day all of the ED admins will be Indian and posting these will be an instant perm.
  8. moogs


    The lore about the White Buffalo Calf Woman is like a plot for an rpg. (TOW link) She just sent a man to the horny jail by turning him into a pile of bones with a gaseous attack, must be some high level druid violence. Things never change, in the 22nd century the native population of the US...
  9. moogs

    MusicFag Thread

    I'm using LMMS so it's like being handicapped even more because no talent. I wanted some ooooohs and aaaaahs, but made this in a few minutes. Here I wanted to emulate that old 90's EBM sound.
  10. moogs

    random image and video thread

  11. moogs

    Edf14 logo

    Check this guide by Bepis how to design a real logo, for greater meaning behind it. Just apply the golden ratio rule to the previous one.
  12. moogs

    lulziez will die soon, i know where she lives and i will fly over to indiana to murder her

    I hope the server destroyer supreme chases and kills every last one of the people here, so it'd be an exciting new form of hide and seek over the globe.
  13. moogs

    It would be hilarious to see every white supremacist murdered by somebody in cold blood

    There aren't enough white supremacists to get squashed in mass gatherings. Kpop stans shit up /mu/ board so bad that god punishes them by loosening up the screws on limelights and scaffolding to see their false idols get crushed.
  14. moogs

    Hole-Hunter.Com - The Holes

    "I'm up here on top of the radio mast, climb half the way up if you wanna succ"
  15. moogs

    What are you currently listening to?

    Two good albums of cacophonic extreme metal minced together, but Teitanblood is still the king of this type, it's like two bands playing at the same time.
  16. moogs

    random image and video thread

  17. moogs

    random image and video thread

  18. moogs

    AI Music Covers

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