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  1. Dildo Baggins

    Mr. Hairsniffer drops out, Kamala takes his place.

    Incredibly based
  2. Dildo Baggins

    Mr. Hairsniffer drops out, Kamala takes his place.

    I'm coconut pilled now guys.
  3. Dildo Baggins


  4. Dildo Baggins

    you deserve to be happy.

    I fully believe this is possible for all of us. But first we must rid the world of the Jewish plague that has infected every aspect of our lives. Gas the kikes, race war now!
  5. Dildo Baggins

    I'M DAT N****

    hi nigger :D
  6. Dildo Baggins


    I bet you think MSG is some scary toxic chemical instead of a great umami flavor enhancer
  7. Dildo Baggins

    Should i start going to nightclubs

    Go to the bath house you cock sucking faggot
  8. Dildo Baggins

    What Are You Eating Right NOW?

    Coffee and a nice slice of banana nut bread.
  9. Dildo Baggins


    there is no such thing as rape
  10. Dildo Baggins

    not likely

    not likely
  11. Dildo Baggins

    Official containment thread for moonrunes homosexual posts

    @GloriousReader can you merge this thead?
  12. Dildo Baggins

    Boomerposting containment

    This is America, land of literal infinate ammo cheats, and this faggot 20 year old zoomer couldnt make a clean shot? I hate the youth of today.
  13. Dildo Baggins

    Remove this shit

  14. Dildo Baggins

    horror movie recs thread 2.0

    Antichrist (2009) The Lighthouse (2019) And of course the classic Night of the Living Dead (1968)
  15. Dildo Baggins

    what was your most recent purchase?

    yea next time i will absolutely upgrade sooner. I wanted to wait till the 16 came out but the lightning port on my 11 finally took a shit and stopped working. I have the money right to upgrade now so I said fuck it. The coolest thing though was it only took maybe 10- 15 minutes to transfer...
  16. Dildo Baggins

    what was your most recent purchase?

    Only my apple watch goes in my ass as it has amazing vibration when I get calls.
  17. Dildo Baggins

    hello ED

    Welcome :)
  18. Dildo Baggins

    Emulation Trials & Tribulations

    I need to get a new one as my laptop is from 2018 and is slowly dying, might as well get a MacBook since I'm staying with my Iphone.
  19. Dildo Baggins


    Cleveland genuinely sucks ass as a city. So glad I'm moving to Pittsburgh here at the end of the summer.
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