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  1. SK2.0

    I have the Israeli virus

    Damn. Hope you get better, also what AFB said.
  2. SK2.0

    African American wins National Spelling Bee

    US niggas be trollin I tells ya. On the other hand I just read a white metal chick in NZ named her kids Metallica, Pantera and Slayer, so...
  3. SK2.0

    Boomerposting containment

    Why do negros in the US give their kids names like that. Is that some sort of inside joke, like Wakanda or Kwanzaa?
  4. SK2.0

    Weird Medical

    Catholics are weird cultists.
  5. SK2.0

    Rip this plushie/that reason why we cant have nice things.

    When even your fetish faggotry can´t get your dick hard. :negative:
  6. SK2.0


    Keep an eye on the oil (they tend to need a bit) and it will run forever. Good buy.
  7. SK2.0

    Fred Durst is cancelled

  8. SK2.0


    Greetings. By the looks of it you live in a tool shed, but on the plus side you drive a timeless classic (even the right color). That engine is unbreakable, even tho the 5 series is a little heavy for it. Automatic or manual shift?
  9. SK2.0

    back again

  10. SK2.0

    The Haitian has been assassinated

    See, this is how its done.
  11. SK2.0

    how to get away with murder

    How stoned were you when you came up with this.
  12. SK2.0

    the south is a shithole

    Is that the state the size of France with fucking 600k people in it? No, but thats what I´m talking about. Only parts of the US I´ve been to are early 90s St. Louis and Chicago. And even there mostly golf courses.
  13. SK2.0

    the south is a shithole

    Fine with me too. Anything on your continent will be better than Europe in 10 years, if that. I´ll prolly look further south tho.
  14. SK2.0

    the south is a shithole

    You say that as if it is a bad thing.
  15. SK2.0

    the south is a shithole

    Yeah thats better.
  16. SK2.0


    Hope hes ok. Probably doing coastal service throwing back boat people.
  17. SK2.0

    urgent question

  18. SK2.0

    help ben find ways to disappoint his parents even more

    He could just come out of the closet, that would be enough for starters...
  19. SK2.0

    the south is a shithole

    All you yanks who whine about the US being shit because your government sucks just appreciate the fact that no matter what you have that big ass country going for you if nothing else. So many large empty swaths of land to fuck off to...a dream for any eurofag. Count your blessings I guess.
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