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  1. no u

    no u
  2. Donald Trump gets shot right in his ear.

    no wonder people think this is an braedtube forum!
  3. random image and video thread

  4. Wikipedia vandalism thread

    how is an image supposed to scare an Wikipedia janny?
  5. What are you currently playing?

    First Dying Light until the developers finish Dying Light 2.
  6. random image and video thread

  7. Boil your items

    HighTek sounds like a good username for an bulldyke tbh
  8. Plabjack thread

    plabjak party!
  9. Halo

  10. Plabjack thread

  11. why did you move to mongolia

    why did you move to mongolia

    more proof ESLs unironically ruin every hobby along with trannies
  13. Least favorite game?

    then what is cyberpunk
  14. are you on the trans pipeline?

    are you on the trans pipeline?
  15. moonrunes I’m sorry for being a hateful bigot

    that’s why I’m announcing my formal conversion to Christianity
  16. Joji thread

  17. We Moved

    Call me racist but Brazilian autists need to get out of my hobby
  18. We Moved

    Missing the idubbz reaction
  19. We Moved

    I think EnemyoftheLulz has an point that ED needs to grow the fuck up and pull an Something Awful or OhInternet.
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