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  1. .wil

    You people need to fuck off

  2. .wil

    too much of us is dangerous

    vampires and those serving prison time.
  3. .wil

    random image and video thread

  4. .wil

    who tf is mitzi

    who tf is mitzi
  5. .wil

    this is a banger

    this is a banger
  6. .wil

    Yes, They Are Trying to Replace You

    something something read Siege
  7. .wil


  8. .wil

    Rabbi who was stabbed’a assailant is charged

  9. .wil

    Yeah I've seen a lot of it too where seemingly healthy peeps get rekt and wind up with chest...

    Yeah I've seen a lot of it too where seemingly healthy peeps get rekt and wind up with chest tubes and subcutaneous air from barotrauma. It's wack.
  10. .wil

    I think half of it was I was fairly stable vitals-wise that if they put me on supplemental 02 or...

    I think half of it was I was fairly stable vitals-wise that if they put me on supplemental 02 or admitted me then I couldn't have the infusion. I'm fat so I had that in my favor.
  11. .wil

    mid 90's holding steady so not so bad. lots of chunkiness and productiveness when I cough. I...

    mid 90's holding steady so not so bad. lots of chunkiness and productiveness when I cough. I think the infusion is helping but would've been way better 4 days ago instead of having to wait all weekend to get it with three ER visits in the meanwhile. I've been able to hold food and water down...
  12. .wil

    Weird Medical

    I think I'd actually rather have cancer than that be true.
  13. .wil

    pretty bad. got the antibody infusion a couple days ago. it's helped but I'm still getting short...

    pretty bad. got the antibody infusion a couple days ago. it's helped but I'm still getting short of breath when I get up.
  14. .wil

    Someone should start a gofundme for dropdatwat?

    I like Ben more than I like any newfag here.
  15. .wil

    Weird Medical

    my guess is cancer
  16. .wil

    & MMA

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