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  1. tasuviyo

    Its over

    Richard Medhurst is also a sexual predator
  2. tasuviyo

    Its over

    im not fat I lift weights five times a week I am gay tho and thats bc gay sex rules
  3. tasuviyo

    kill all jews

    Nah just entering the armistice region to make sure the Islamist retards don’t start launching rockets now that the Assad regime isn’t around to maintain the ceasefire
  4. tasuviyo

    Thats not true its a choice

    Thats not true its a choice
  5. tasuviyo

    Are you still retarded

    Are you still retarded
  6. tasuviyo

    Its over

    Assad was kinda hot when he was young I would have let him eat out my man pussy
  7. tasuviyo

    Encyclopedia Dramatica LGBT pride group

    Post ITT if you’re lgbt so we can celebrate the gender and sexuality diversity in our beautiful community!!
  8. tasuviyo

    what was your most recent purchase?

    exactly I'm a gay faggot kike which means * im hot (gay and jewish) * im hairy (jewish) * I have a big dick (jewish) and I get laid well and frequently. im literally a chad which explains why my mere presence infuriates you so much. now go post another gore pic maybe that will help u calm down
  9. tasuviyo

    even with his brain split open he's a better poster than you

    even with his brain split open he's a better poster than you
  10. tasuviyo

    what was your most recent purchase?

    I never said I was a woman, you're just fat and retarded. go take your Lipitor grandpa
  11. tasuviyo

    you called me a racial slur and then posted a gore image this would have been groundbreaking...

    you called me a racial slur and then posted a gore image this would have been groundbreaking in 1998
  12. tasuviyo

    what was your most recent purchase?

    a fairly common saying but I understand you're not around women very often
  13. tasuviyo

    what was your most recent purchase?

    t the way you typed out all that laughing gives me the ick, are you 40 years old or something shouldn't u be reading ur AARP
  14. tasuviyo

    that's a lovely photo of your mother

    that's a lovely photo of your mother
  15. tasuviyo

    Hi gays

    being a Twink is an embarrassment not an accomplishment, go to the gym FAGGOT
  16. tasuviyo

    lose weight immediately

    lose weight immediately
  17. tasuviyo

    Hi gays

    are you fat OP
  18. tasuviyo

    are you fat

    are you fat
  19. tasuviyo

    are you fat

    are you fat
  20. tasuviyo

    kill all jews

    congrats OP you have won the "edgy poster of the day" award for this very edgy post, ur Fortnite vbucks redemption code will be emailed to u shortly..
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