A turkish? Twitter user has leaked her manifesto. She, of course, glazes The finnisher, that one turkroach that tried to go on a stabbing spree, and Vladislav Roslyakov
Oh boy... She had a tumblr where she idolized Vladislav Roslyakov... I'm not surprised at all. The day we ban Tumblr is the day we stop gun violence
(can't confirm, but someone added this on her ED page)
This Walking, Talking Yeast infection made an Anton Lund Petterson edit Because of course lmao. What a faggot
"lOoK aT mE i"M nBk"
Christ, another Alina Afanaskina/Sol Pais.
We already have the technology to genetically modify organisms, why don't we start doing it already?
These people literally have the red flags in their usernames lol
An atheist Faggot shot up a Christian school in Madison, Wisconsin. He used, of course, a 9mm Pistol, Just like Algore. Most of the info I will include from Wikipedophile