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  1. Niglord

    Make a "Trolling and lolcows" subforum

    It's about mindlessly shitposting now
  2. Niglord

    What drugs do you take in

    Excellent choice
  3. Niglord

    What drugs do you take in

    I usually take around 50ml of heroin every week or two
  4. Niglord

    Make a "Trolling and lolcows" subforum

    How about we have a orgy instead
  5. Niglord

    how does computers work

    tl;dr the CPU performs instructions with zero's and one's, it stores the information on RAM (temporary) or on a storage medium (permanent). The GPU then outputs the information then to a screen.
  6. Niglord

    tits or ass

    Would you wanna fuck a tomboy
  7. Niglord


    Windows XP can be usable even in 2020 if you have a beefy enough computer
  8. Niglord


    Yes, i'm a boomer
  9. Niglord

    Someone just blew up Lebanon

    Oh whoops sorry guys i was just taking a massive shit after i ate some off brand chili peppers
  10. Niglord

    Changing Domains

    Why couldn't we just used
  11. Niglord

    Dear friend or enemy

  12. Niglord

    AlGore gets more attention from the grave.

    Wow now i'm jealous
  13. Niglord

    SadFleck has no taste in music.

    Lol who listens to music anyways
  14. Niglord

    Make A Forum Section For ED Article Creation Help

    The forums is more enjoyable to be honest
  15. Niglord

    The posts are not good

    This post is equally as shitty
  16. Niglord

    i’m epic

    No i will fuck your dog
  17. Niglord

    Racist lake kills unarmed black teen.

    The lake was just trying to eradicate all black life on earth
  18. Niglord

    ASSBLONKER exposed

    He didn't use allcaps on these so we shall behead him
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