Just from what i got accepted into Infantry, Armoured Vehicles Crew, Drone and Artillery Crew. And some fucking how i also got accepted into Special Forces operator
These 5 are probably what i am most interested in.
800ibs. do you guy have fucking hogzillas lmao
A lot of the pigs here in oz are just escaped domestics I have heard we have massive ones deep in the outback but I have never seen one.
"When the projectile leaves the muzzle of the zeus it has almost as much energy as an AK 47 bullet, at 1430 foot pounds of energy. Can that hurt you? Absolutely, that can KILL you."
Damn thats fucking cool
75-100kg is the average weight for a boar, so i would put that as the definition of medium.
on another note we have a whole ass hunting thread for this kinda of stuff and we still do it in the Aussie thread