miraculous how you just found this site. its not like its advertised greatly online. hmmm. you sure have a lot to say in this thread for someone that "I can't think of anything interesting so..." Yeah so "blah blah blah" HUH?
oh that was me? cool. you'd think i would have find a hotter pic as me though. also too...you know people get surgeries done on themselves where they ain't get a dick anymore, right? well you probably weren't aware of that. so i'm happy to teach you something. you're welcome.
pretty obvious. although to correct you slightly i am bisexual in nature. as for nurture? i belong in a very special community and those LIVES MATTER MOST.
Over 50 fo sho
probably disabled in some way and use that to lure kids online into real life
fo sho a midget
and gotta be 350lbs or worsenimmins
and most likely big cock nosed like a jew nigga