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  1. Ricki


    Apparently the Republican side hasn't been aloud to look at the mail in ballots in Philly even though by law both parties are allowed to do so.
  2. Ricki

    'Dark Souls' Is A Game About Living Under Capitalism In 2020

    I'm kind of surprised they didn't go with "Capitalism is the Dark Souls of economies"
  3. Ricki

    Thank you, I really appreciate it

    Thank you, I really appreciate it
  4. Ricki

    Tbh I usually don't interact much with the forum as I used to. More often than not I usually end...

    Tbh I usually don't interact much with the forum as I used to. More often than not I usually end up lurking here for a week or so until I get the energy to post a bit, then back to lurking for a week or so.
  5. Ricki

    'Dark Souls' Is A Game About Living Under Capitalism In 2020

    Game Journalists try to be 2deep4u to garner clicks, in other news water is wet.
  6. Ricki

    Request thread

    Can anyone in this thread do requests or is it just op?
  7. Ricki

    Facebook trolls Oculus VR users.

  8. Ricki

    How to end someone else's relationship

    Assert dominance and have sex with your cousin.
  9. Ricki

    New Yorker Suspends Jeffrey Toobin for Masturbating on Zoom Call

    Lol Toobin pulled a fucking DarkSydePhil.
  10. Ricki

    Chimpouts in USA

    Apparently back in 2016 they won $115,000 from a discrimination lawsuit against the company they worked at. Sauce
  11. Ricki

    Chimpouts in USA

    Aw shit here we go again
  12. Ricki

    Drumpf has coronavirus

    You have no idea how accurate that is. My mom has CNN on all day every day and suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome, probably terminal. I don't mean that she disagrees with some of Trump's stuff, that I would understand, but she outright sees Trump as the absolute worst dictator of today...
  13. Ricki

    Drumpf has coronavirus

    It's kinda funny, even Covid picked Trump over Biden
  14. Ricki

    Drumpf has coronavirus

    Can't tell if your image is broken or if my internet is being complete shit again.
  15. Ricki

    Drumpf has coronavirus

    A wire. Rumor has it that Biden was being fed what to say.
  16. Ricki

    Chimpouts in USA

    The moment I saw that face I instantly knew they were MTF. What is with the MTF community attracting so many psychos? You don't see that shit as much with FTMs or other parts of the LGBT.
  17. Ricki

    Drumpf has coronavirus

    This. I may not agree with a lot of Trump's actions, but I don't trust what my political party is up to. Having an old man with obvious early onset dementia run for president rubs me the wrong way. It's sketchy as fuck.
  18. Ricki

    Drumpf has coronavirus

    Even if he does die that amount is still getting spent if Biden gets in.
  19. Ricki

    Cyberattack Triggers NATO

    So how many of those attacks were from China?
  20. Ricki

    Lesbian Lovers Pull A Jeffrey Dahmer in Portugal

    Before anyone unzips their pants, these are what the two killers look like: Sauce
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