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  1. speedingtard

    Doom: The Dark Ages

    Yeah, this pretty much confirms it. No more platforming, switching through your entire arsenal, or any of that shit. You can play this game however you want to play it according to the director of the new DooM series.
  2. speedingtard

    Doom: The Dark Ages

    Doom guy in this one moved a lot slower and they didn't show him do any jumping or dashing in the trailer, so I'd say probably not. I really hope they listened to the criticism and there won't be any constant gun switching autism or "rock paper scissors combat," as some players called it.
  3. speedingtard

    Doom: The Dark Ages

    We are so fucking back. We're also getting a Hexen 3 as a bonus.
  4. speedingtard

    Banner Thread

    My original idea was to have the tombstones fall over each other like dominoes, eventually having the EDF6 tombstone fall over the sign as well. I didn't do it because I've never animated anything before in my life.
  5. speedingtard

    where is creativity how do i get a creativity

    You're already retarded enough to think your posts are funny.
  6. speedingtard

    Should minors be given HRT?

    HRT and sex change is the best eugenics program in history. The retarded willingly sterilize themselves so they can't create more retards. It's perfect!
  7. speedingtard


    The women who larp as based always look like liberal arts majors. Did your leftie friends find you so unbearable that you had to go where no one can say no to you?
  8. speedingtard

    Computer stuff you just got

    Great cable management.
  9. speedingtard

    Banner Thread

    I drew a new banner for EDF 6.5 I think? Whatever, here it is.
  10. speedingtard

    i think i killed

    Wrong board, try this one instead.
  11. speedingtard

    Josh Moon Mockery Thread

    Why, everyone knows that's Joshua Moon's girlfriend. It was real tough after he broke up with Christine Weston Chandler, but Clara Sorrenti has somehow manage to fill the void in Null's heart. Those two are inseparable these days.
  12. speedingtard

    Josh Moon Mockery Thread

    What's the origin of the picture where the faggot poses with his hand covering his mouth?
  13. speedingtard

    My dick got hard while looking at this. Please post more.

    My dick got hard while looking at this. Please post more.
  14. speedingtard

    Wassup my niggers

    What did she mean by this?
  15. speedingtard

    I'm back

    I don't... does that mean I'm not a true EDiot?
  16. speedingtard

    I'm back

    Why is your font comic sans?
  17. speedingtard

    Is this forum related to the IDF?

    The FBI wouldn't care if you were to voice your opinions on the IDF or Israel in this thread. So why not do it? Are you scared perhaps?
  18. speedingtard

    Niceposting thread 2: Electric boogaloo

    LowTek misgendered me.
  19. speedingtard

    Niceposting thread 2: Electric boogaloo

    The poster above is a retarded fag.
  20. speedingtard

    Is this forum related to the IDF?

    And if it is where can I donate?
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