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  1. Maysam

    Welcome to Dramatica Zoo

    Probably driving the last nail into EDF's coffin here but whatever. For now @hypeshot @Duke of Nimonia @Magalicious @EnemyOfTheLulz @MurderGuaranteed @Retarded_FAG are confined to here and Nobody Cares. I obviously unbanned all of them too. If I fucked up anything else, let me know.
  2. Maysam

    Who is the prettiest girl on EDF?

    it's @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy @oddguy
  3. Maysam

    The limits of freedom of speech

    Bait title lol there should be no limits to the FREEDOM of speech. But could you argue there should be limits to the definition of speech? I think you could and there should be such limits. Freedom of speech is defined as the right to say what you want. I believe in that right, but I don't...
  4. Maysam

    Fix EDF2 theme

    @CLU @Baka take a good look at the archive: and how the site looked after wil and umk wasted hours of their precious lifetime making it look as EDF2 as possible. Please either get a backup of that theme and implement it or fix it manually thx xoxoxo
  5. Maysam

    the ratings economy is in danger of hyperinflation

    fuckin merge that nigger @Occulus @Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd
  6. Maysam

    you dun fucked up

    Merged him too often or whatever I suspect @umkemesik
  7. Maysam


  8. Maysam

    When the germans do something, they do it right - autism edition

    Yes, that is page 11,038 with 221K replies on a thread dedicated solely to the german Chris-Chan. Despite being posted in January last year and prior iterations existing, this thread is larger than any thread on KF. Of course it's severely gay and autistic, meaning heavily moderated KF style...
  9. Maysam

    ®®®® Official thread of vehicles ®®®®

    Post whatever you are driving yes the helmet with the googly eyes is mine. Bike's got fat cases instead of soft bags by now and it's even dirtier. Rest is the same.
  10. Maysam

    ÆÆÆÆ Official thread of outside the basement ÆÆÆÆ

    Unlike Eric Barbour aka @Crassmeister there are members of this forum who indeed do leave the basement sometimes. Post pix N'wahs
  11. Maysam

    pr0gramm trolls the Guardian scroll down and click the "Hindenberg disaster" link. It links to this video of a man eating a dead pigeon
  12. Maysam


    fuk u come back
  13. Maysam

    NSFW dump thread

  14. Maysam

    Finally Quence dox

    Here's the truth about its supposed "modeling career"
  15. Maysam

    The future is now

  16. Maysam

    Book thread

    Post what you last read, post your fav books everyone should read and most importantly post reviews on shitty books. @oddguy I've stopped reading myself for a while now but everyone should have read "The stars my destination" by Alfred Bester
  17. Maysam

    Chinese Hegemony

    Post instances of the Chinese expanding their influence. Off the top of my hat I remember this: Apparently the Chinese invested in Greece aka bought them out. Similar stuff...
  18. Maysam

    Cloudflare / captcha on ED is kinda clunky

    This Image was shown broken to me until I completed a captcha on ED. I get that it's necessary to avert ddos but there has to be a better way. @aediot
  19. Maysam

    nature things you like

    bird head stability
  20. Maysam

    EDF3: Revenge of the nerds

    Did someone say Revenge of the nerds? @MrGask used to spam this when he was going psycho
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