Pretty embarrassing but for the last few months, I was pretty much only using twitter, reddit, FB and discord. I just deleted/logged out of most of those accounts and suddenly feel 20x better. Interacting with normies was horrible. I'm going back to small time forums if I wanna discuss a topic...
The quality of posting here has grown so abysmal I feel I must do something. I don't want to continue to see the few good posters left here leave to discord. Small forums must be kept alive. But banning posters doesn't work either so this is what's going to happen
For the next week, your thread...
I talked to a USPS mail carrier and she mentioned how she was constantly attacked by dogs while delivering mail. I said I hated dogs and think they're pests. She gets defensive and is like "They're just doing their job". WHAT THE FUCK IS THEIR JOB? To intimidate and terrorize people? It's like...
its dysfunctional
the economy sucks
the people are annoying and sound stupid
it has black people
the south is overrepresented in terms of retarded ED users
goblin slayer
goblins are niggers
midwest best
southern anal rape slavery
the south
united states
where in teh world is carmen san diego
Decided to go all out this year because we have a ton of land and i have nothing better to do
Planted so far:
Green beans
Next up:
Butternut Squash
Idk whatever else I think to plant
Starting the bed:
The soil was really clay heavy, rocky and had other...
I like my job now but its the best I can do with no education or skills.
what are some things you can do that involve as little human contact as possible? preferably something male dominated so i can take advantage of affirmative action
ben has a degree and you dont
drunk driving is not a career
get on an antidepressant boudica
go to college
go to tradeschool
grow up
meat clarinet
move out
niggers get foodstamps
there's always the coal mines
whites get degrees
and unlike with Japs, theyre not nearly as heavy on the obnoxious kawaii shit but still much better than boring ass western OPENWORLDCRAFT
discuss the cultural superiority of Chinese vidya ITT
It was funny last fall when I first heard it but then got ruined by liberals and black people.
Why do people think they're so clever for calling someone a Karen?