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  1. I Can't think of a title, but I'm trying to redeem myself

    For me, it's the bitchy but somehow likable girlfriend that's been on life support with terminal cancer for a decade. I really look forward to her finally dying and getting on with my life but I feel obligated to there for her every day even though there's better options now.
  2. branman65 is a furry!

    Agreed. All straight men know the wolf ladies are the best.
  3. Vote now for Faggot of the Decade

    Why isn't Girlvinyl on here? She's basically the reason why any of this stuff happened in the first place (including COVID-19).
  4. your favorite comic book artist

    Frank Miller isn't a great artist, but I love how deranged his style is, it makes Dark Knight Returns one of my favourite comics.
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