my soundcloud where i had uploaded "BEAT RODNEY DOWN" by vaginal jesus every single mlk day got deleted.
i didnt know they would censor comedy art. lol fucking homos
who the fuck is bry-bry and what the fuck is poast?
you nigfagz know im like 42 now, im too old for this "knowing things" shit.
i eat prunes and and sit in my rocking chair flogging my flaccid champion.
holy shit that was seven years ago.
time flies when youre black out drunk.
that video was my first last and only exposure to steven universe and it was enough to last a lifetime
or in a cyclical life and death spiral perhaps an echo of faggotry from which i shall never fully cleanse myself...
nobody even told me the site was back up. i dont post a lot but i usually lurk just to remind myself all the good users are gone and its 100% faggots now. could have at least given me an update.
the whole meaning of the site is to hate everything and talk mad shit lmao.
if we support nazis its more because we respect their symbolic hatred.
im pretty sure we all think neo nazis are ass blasting faggots.
ive never tried to intentionally kill myself, but ive done a ton of wreckless shit where there was a very high liklihood of death.
but i mean is that being suicidal or is that not being a faggot or a pussy
im not mad at her lmao.
she was one of my favorite people.
i did give her some shit though but holy fuck if you had any idea how abusive i am to everyone it was really not worth a story.