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  1. minty

    Car thread obligatory

  2. minty

    horror movie recs thread 2.0

    i have been back on my horror bullshit so here is a film called deathdream/dead of night
  3. minty

    Film recs

    love these classy old films in this same vein, 12 angry men
  4. minty

    @Quence is this you??

    don't blame hypeshot for sharty/soy kids showing up en masse if you're the laughing stock of wherever you end up at that is a YOU problem
  5. minty

    there's nothing gay about physically dominating another man so long as balls don't touch much...

    there's nothing gay about physically dominating another man so long as balls don't touch much like it's not gay to get your penis sucked by a man. the one on the receiving end of the penis is always the gay one
  6. minty

    Car thread obligatory

    i got there by walking, too which is something you are physically incapable of when you get to walmart do you have a thinner person bring your groceries out to you or do you waddle n wheeze to the "mobility scooter" because you have "bad knees"? may i recommend the boulevard book?
  7. minty

    the banner is high art and belongs in a museum

    the banner is high art and belongs in a museum
  8. minty

    Car thread obligatory

    if you want to crush a child to death under several tons of unnecessary weight you can sit on the next one that grabs the last cookie in front of you in the golden corral
  9. minty

    US Politics General

    it's a perfectly normal event to occur why do you hate america?
  10. minty

    Car thread obligatory

    actually.... @Baka ^you might like that video
  11. minty

    Car thread obligatory

  12. minty

    EDF improvement drive

    could you sum this up in 3 words or less?
  13. minty

    /ck/ Cooking Thread

    made mushroom soup since i can't stagger my white button cap sprouts. mycelium does what it wants chopped a yellow onion, threw in pan with olive oil, butter, pepper, and salt. the recipe called for a pound and a half of mushrooms but i used every mushroom in my fridge there were so many omg...
  14. minty

    also, responding to a question with a question doesn't answer the initial question

    also, responding to a question with a question doesn't answer the initial question
  15. minty

    i don't actually watch a lot of modern cinema that isn't eggers/tarantino/a24 or horror, so i...

    i don't actually watch a lot of modern cinema that isn't eggers/tarantino/a24 or horror, so i can't say.
  16. minty

    suffering from seasonal allergies while working outdoors

    suffering from seasonal allergies while working outdoors
  17. minty

    book thread

    only halfway through so far but the prioress' tale stands the test of time i dare say
  18. minty

    book thread

    there's also the inability to take it seriously with my childish humor "15 lesbian vessels set sail..." "and then the lesbians revolted..." "the lesbian army" so on n so forth :meow:
  19. minty

    What music do you like

    gonna treat this post like the music thread n just dump a chunk of what i'm currently listening to in it
  20. minty

    may your next sewing project be successful and with no broken threads/knots

    may your next sewing project be successful and with no broken threads/knots
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