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  1. Colloid

    What up retards

    Great question, bud
  2. Colloid

    Your OldEDF Pics Here

  3. Colloid

    PS5 Reveal / Demon Souls Remake Hype Thread

    A TB I think, it's kinda neat. They are using an integrated pcie4 nvme drive with dedicated lanes, should be fast as all get out
  4. Colloid

    Your OldEDF Pics Here

    I have the largest collection of mint species in the neighborhood, just recently I've had Corsican mint sprout! Not to brag but I am pretty excited... You are such a good listener, dm me for nudes, you earned them.
  5. Colloid

    PS5 Reveal / Demon Souls Remake Hype Thread

    It looks like a gaymer router
  6. Colloid

    Incel kills girlfriend.

    Fucking Trump-cucks, AmIRite
  7. Colloid

    Seattle ANTIFAggots say, "Hold my patchouli," and steal six city blocks.

    I can't wait to vote for Joe
  8. Colloid

    Your OldEDF Pics Here

    Yummy Gross
  9. Colloid

    Your OldEDF Pics Here

    Ty, Mb
  10. Colloid

    What up retards

    U fuks, let's be back stabby besties
  11. Colloid

    What up retards

    LMAO, I'm just chatting, calm down Have you considered yoga or mindfulness meditation?
  12. Colloid

    What up retards

  13. Colloid

    News Page

    Cool beans, daddy
  14. Colloid

    Xenforo vs Phpbb

    Otters are fake and gay
  15. Colloid

    Justin Silverman is my friend

    I hope you get laid soon
  16. Colloid

    To help stop the Wuhan Virus Florida is giving free meth tests.

    Why did OP post a personal pic in a news piece, like lol boomer
  17. Colloid

    Brazilian antifa protests income inequality in style

    LMAO, brown Colombia is gross
  18. Colloid

    The oldest pic on your desktop

  19. Colloid

    Something gay

    But do you lift
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