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  1. TardChick

    Guro thread

    hehehe, it says "Guro thread" so it might just post this out of the blue
  2. TardChick

    God gave Adam EVE - not Steve!

    I know, Alex, I know... I know it kinda sounds retarded, but it is his art so give him some respect would ya? :dolan:
  3. TardChick

    God gave Adam EVE - not Steve!

    dude im not seth putnam, and hell, i dont have a band that is literally called "anal cunt", trust me i do like seth's vocals and his music but nigga if i tried to do like a grindcore o algo type of music, it would go something like this
  4. TardChick

    God gave Adam EVE - not Steve!

    Hehehe... Adam & @Steve lol Also hype kys for the derailing the thread with your gook obsessed smut, nobody cares, everyone has they're OWN intrests, just grow up and piss off
  5. TardChick

    Japanese film i would like to see.

    it looks kinda gay, a film about an influencer? go fuck yourself!!! the REAL japanese films you should see are: House/Hausu - a great horror comedy film about school girls being vored by a house owned by a john lennon looking granny, it has some damn good and amazing special effects despite...
  6. TardChick

    Post Your Desktop/Background

    I know it's kinda useless at this point but... Rise and Shine, Mr. Freeman, Rise and... Shine!
  7. TardChick

    Who the fuck made this banner?

    Oh sush, @Steve Also Yeah I kinda agree with you, Yume Nikki is kinda confusing to me, I partially got it just to look through the sound files and listen to them, Super Columbine Massacare RPG! was the best, but I find the Resident Evil Doraemon to be intresting as well geg
  8. TardChick

    i love u guys and i am not even gay

    man when will artem ever leaen
  9. TardChick

    [ATTACH] Fuck You, Too, Ljupco... glad you never came back!

    Fuck You, Too, Ljupco... glad you never came back!
  10. TardChick

    What porn do you retards jerk off to?

    Do it, man, DO IT FOR CHRIS CHAN!!!!
  11. TardChick

    [ATTACH] What the hell is wrong with Anal Cunt???? Seth Putnam will always be a gem, I hope you...

    What the hell is wrong with Anal Cunt???? Seth Putnam will always be a gem, I hope you die from a heart attack one day you fat chungus cunt, also why did you choose SuperChungus anyway? "Chungus" was originally coined by James Stephanie Sterling, a fucking tranny (i do like his furfun videos but...
  12. TardChick

    @Quence is this you??

    EDF is starting to become gay... very gay...
  13. TardChick

    @Quence is this you??

    wtf, i said she looks like my m0ther and vicky pollard, edf fucking sucks, first of all, barely ANYONE is active thanks to fagshot, and then goi never fucking removed my fagtag a second, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? AM I GONNA BE ON THE DAMN FAGTAG SO MUCH THAT IM EVENTUALLY GONNA BE EXCLUSIVE TO...
  14. TardChick

    @Quence is this you??

    Oh my god, she looks like my mother... and vicky pollard combined
  15. TardChick

    WTF fetishes 2.0

    i never knew the guys @ robot chicken had an inflation fetish
  16. TardChick

    Droptard needs to watch tokusatsu or else ill rape his asshole deep.

    >or else ill rape his asshole deep.
  17. TardChick

    What porn do you retards jerk off to?

    Oh my god, alex, that is one of the WORST threads ever, im not going to tell
  18. TardChick

    You are going to be Faggot Of The Year 2025, You know that?

    You are going to be Faggot Of The Year 2025, You know that?
  19. TardChick

    Can you unfagtag me please, and impeach Maysam from his admin powers, because he is a total...

    Can you unfagtag me please, and impeach Maysam from his admin powers, because he is a total nigger and an asshole.
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