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  1. Cobalt

    Donald Trump gets shot right in his ear.

    I just thought you were really pale
  2. Cobalt

    Wikipedia vandalism thread

    No. The fact that you like to dress up.
  3. Cobalt


    Because you'd lose your job in the pet store, as you would spend all day, rubbing your tiny pea to my face. My face would cause you to put up the "caution wet floor" sign.
  4. Cobalt


    Is this your picture for the yearbook, cunt?
  5. Cobalt

    GirlOnTheInternet put in her place!

    How to hack ED: Try the following passwords: Niggers1 Niggers2 Niggers420 Gayniggers1 If none of these work, just send a nude to an admin, in exchange for the new password.
  6. Cobalt

    Wikipedia vandalism thread

    Try charging yourself by licking a 3-phased cable. You'll get cool manga hair.
  7. Cobalt

    Third world country

    Because Amerifats will do anything to avoid using Celsius.
  8. Cobalt

    Danes cant handle anything spicier than tomato paste

    Wow. Chinks lying? And the news media lying.. They are being removed because they are marketed towards children, whom does have a decreased tolerance to chili. After several German children have been hospitalized after eating it, because they saw it on tiktok...
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