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  1. Likeicare

    dot com bubble

    I really dont understand what the shock value of this is supposed to be
  2. Likeicare

    dot com bubble

    Fr fr
  3. Likeicare

    NJ police chief goes nutso

    I thought theres no way this shit is real until i got to the photos lmao
  4. Likeicare

    Post waifus

    you masturbate to lizards dont go acting like this is weird
  5. Likeicare

    Never let anyone tell you that the fithy Chinks are smart.

    i think we're going to japan again first half of next year
  6. Likeicare

    Never let anyone tell you that the fithy Chinks are smart.

    you prob wouldnt even notice that going to tokyo is like stepping back in time 30 years
  7. Likeicare

    Never let anyone tell you that the fithy Chinks are smart.

    This is such a subjective claim People (who havent been there), say Japan is an incredibly advanced country but its not, and Shanghai is probably more advanced than Tokyo But at the same time China has rural villages that look the same as they probably did 150 years ago, and japan doesnt
  8. Likeicare

    Never let anyone tell you that the fithy Chinks are smart.

    there is a difference
  9. Likeicare

    Never let anyone tell you that the fithy Chinks are smart.

    its not legal. its just not illegal
  10. Likeicare

    Never let anyone tell you that the fithy Chinks are smart.

    Nobody is talking to you retard
  11. Likeicare

    Never let anyone tell you that the fithy Chinks are smart.

    There is no point talking to her about this She is retarded. She has no point. She will sperg out for hours about how china has no laws regarding animal abuse but cant explain why the government of over 1 billion people needs to take time to legislate such a minor issue other than the fact that...
  12. Likeicare

    Never let anyone tell you that the fithy Chinks are smart.

    Got tagged? Didnt read the text wall. Whats up
  13. Likeicare

    US Politics General

    Cuckservatives cant stop coping
  14. Likeicare

    People who vape are subhuman

    I have never had nicotine of any form in my life. Disgusting stuff
  15. Likeicare

    US Politics General

    What are you
  16. Likeicare

    breaking news: I hope you all get aids

    Literally just got the email with my test results I have aids
  17. Likeicare

    Elon musk is mentally retarded
  18. Likeicare

    Elon musk is mentally retarded

    Why are all these christians molesting kids
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