
  1. Seventh-day Puritan

    What is GOD’s design for marriage?

    • The debat aboute mariage arisseth of divers worldes, questioning whether olde defynicions sholde be chaunged or no. • Cristen men trowen that the Bible defineth mariage as GODDES desygne, whiche may not be chaunged by man. • In Genesis 2:24, GOD hath made mariage a knyt betwixt a man and a...
  2. Seventh-day Puritan

    SDP Moral Argument

    Without a fixed and highe source of moral auctoritee, the very conceypt of right andwrong falleth into subiective mennes opinions. If moralitee were but a craft of man’s making, it wolde lacke any universall and bindyng lawe. Dedes myghte be deemed good or wicked only byerrant customes, not by...
  3. Seventh-day Puritan

    What is the key to truly knowing God?

    • A greet desyr to know and be knowen is in mankynde, and the Creator is most hie. • Endeles lif is not onli tyme; it is a felawship with God, as Jesu taught (John 17:3). "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” –John 17:3...
  4. Seventh-day Puritan

    SDP Teleological Argument

    Considereth the intricate craft that is wrouht in every corner of this worlde—each part, fromthe heavens unto the smallest creature, speaketh plainly of a MAKER with purpos. We looke not upon a well-made thing and deem it made by chaunce; so must we reason of the worlde.The gret complexité of...
  5. Seventh-day Puritan

    What is sin?

    • The Bible defineth synne as a state of separacioun from God, stemmynge from inward rebellion agayn Him (Mark 7:20–23). “And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders...
  6. Seventh-day Puritan

    MEDITATIONS ON MANHOOD: 100 Devotions from Charles Spurgeon

    THE IMITATION OF CHRIST For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son. Romans 8:29 Perhaps nothing in the world is a surer sign of littleness than a slavish imitation of any man. Men lose that which is an honor to them—individuality—and then, they...
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