All I did was gave this clown some negative ratings for shitposting on my status, and then he spergs out and rates literally all of my posts until I was at -20. NO JOKE!
It's ok tho because thanks to a friend, I found out that Cock is actually insanely gay. Here is the proof:
sock that cock...
cock can't get enough of bbc
cockhas autism
cockhas never even kissed a girl
cockhasnopeniscockhasnopenis because he is peniscock is a butthurt crybaby
cock is jealous of samuel and his bisexuality
lol fgt ahhhahahahah lol u suk bals ololoololollololoolollollol
lolol fgit hahah u suk balss lollololloollolo
lolollloloo fgt hahahha u suk bals oloololoollo
lolollolo fgt hahahh u suk bals lol llolololololllollolol fgt hahahhaaha
lololol fgt ahahaha lol u suk bals olololollool
lololololo fgt ahahhah u suk bals ololololllololol
ololol fgt lol u suk bals ahahhahah lololloolollo
samuel is totally not mad
samuel smells like smegma